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Bill Harrell

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Robert Harrell

Grain Baggers, Unloaders, and Bags

Farmers across the mid-south are storing
grain without investing in costly grain bins!

Storage bags give you control and time to market your crops for top dollar for only 7 cents per bushel without the long-term investment and time delay of building more grain bins. In addition to a wise choice for fime and money, the convenience of putting grain bags in the field where harvesting is taking place or anywhere on your farm is a real plus for growers.

Because grain bags are a reliable grain storage solution, grain can be freighted after harvest, freeing up time during harvest without giving up quality or even color. Storage is unlimited especially during a bumper crop season. The bags are sealed air tight without the use of chemicals giving you an organic option for your grains. It’s quality storage at a price you can live with.